The healing power of Oprah has no expiration date: More than 30 years after it first aired, a powerful clip from The Oprah Winfrey Show is going viral on TikTok—and for good reason.

Earlier this month, a TikTok user by the name of AnonymousAlly198 posted a seven-minute video clip of the show with the caption “#CapCut how did this work? A 7 min episode meditation on @Oprah healed my #woundedinnerchild somehow #gealingwounds #childhoodscars #motherwound #toxicmother #toxicfamily.”

The video comes from an episode released in September 1990, titled “Childhood Wounds Seminar,” in which Oprah hosts educator and motivational speaker John Bradshaw. He leads her and her audience through a vivid mindfulness exercise designed to connect with and heal your inner child.

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Within the first two minutes of the exercise, nearly everyone in the crowd, Oprah included, is in tears. Three decades later, this emotional impact hasn't changed. One user commented, “This is so real. Best healing I’ve ever done. I am so grateful for this video. It truly is freeing in every sense of the word 💫.” Others described it as “powerful” and “game-changing” when it comes to resolving, or at least reframing, childhood trauma, and most admit they, too, were crying by the end.

We went right to the source for more detail: We asked Oprah herself to reflect on the new viral moment. “I never forgot this day with John Bradshaw,” she tells Oprah Daily. “This moment was life-changing for me, and I have walked many people through this exercise ever since. I’m glad it has found its way onto TikTok, 30 years later.”

Watch the full clip (though be prepared to shed a few tears, too!) below and here.

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Sofia Lodato
Editorial Assistant

Sofia Lodato (she/her) is an editorial assistant at Oprah Daily. Aside from reading, writing, and wellness, she is a lover of all things media-related, and can usually be found overanalyzing her latest favorite TV show and/or music album.